Friday, 6 March 2015

juniorette at eleven months

It was a big month for Juniorette.

At the beginning of February, she took her first steps. By March, she was walking independently and getting faster and more confident/competent with every step.

in the garden

National Portrait Gallery

playing football with Junior and friends on Clapham Common

at the playground

Sadly, Juniorette also suffered her first bad cold during the week of my birthday. Boo :(


And the biggest change was starting at nursery when I went back to work.


She had a few settling in days and seemed to be mostly fine - in fact, she slept through half the sessions. The full days and on/off schedule going three days a week have been an adjustment for all of us, including Junior. She had a harder time getting used to the new environment than Junior ever did. She seemed to feel the effects of separation anxiety more acutely. But she is also teething, which makes it difficult to tell when she is uncomfortable or uncomfortable. Still, she has her big brother nearby during the day and she follows him around like a puppy. He read a book to her one day, and gives her frequent pats on the head. She came home smiling and covered in paint on her first day. We took that as a good sign. And after a few weeks, she stopped crying on drop-off and pick-up. She will be just fine.

Friday, 6 February 2015

Juniorette at 10 Months



Our smiley girl is now ten months old and is >this< close to walking. So we went to Clarks for her first shoes.


And started brushing her teeth with her first toothbrush.


We have been spending cold winter days visiting London's museums. Junior and Juniorette enjoyed learning about hexagons at the Science Museum.


We also saw the walrus at the Horniman in Dulwich.

Photo by S

Juniorette is not afraid to assert herself with the bigger girls:

"Yeah, I'm the Captain of the ship. No big deal."

"Ummm, Captain, I don't think you should push that button..."

"Ack! Mayday! SOS! Bail out!"

And she is teaching herself the colours in Japanese.


But one of the funniest things is watching her do things that Junior did at the same age.

Same basket, many of the same toys, same self-satisfied smile.

And waking up to snow was a thrill for all of us. She's too small to play in the snow this year, but it won't be long before she follows in her brother's footsteps. He's her favourite role model.


Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Happy holidays


Juniorette's ninth month was mostly spent celebrating: Junior's birthday, S's birthday, xmas, New Year's. Junior was old enough to get excited about presents, and also old enough to get presents with small parts.


He was elated with his LEGO Juniors construction set. As was Juniorette. So we spent much of xmas day trying to keep Junior engaged with his gifts, while stopping Juniorette from eating bits of plastic and chewing on wrapping paper.


Fortunately she was happy to help fix the broken dishwasher - did I mention she started pulling up on furniture almost as soon as she figured out how to crawl?

We spent much of the time over xmas and New Year's with local friends. It was so nice to have playdates and good company.

South Bank Jubilee Playground



Wandle Park

Riding bicycles in Colliers Wood Rec Grounds


Museum of London, Docklands

Teaming up at softplay


We had a lovely, mellow, family-oriented holiday season. 2014 was a great year. 2015 is shaping up to be memorable and fun as well.