I asked for a hot water bottle for xmas. I have never used one before, and it took until now to try it. S, my human heater, does not understand why I would want to add more warmth to the bed, so I took the opportunity to use it last night while he is away for work.
The instructions made it clear that I should not use boiling water. I'll admit, I was doubtful that hot water from the bathtub would be effective, but if anything, it gets
hotter inside the bottle. It's still warmish this morning. Score 1 for the instructions!
I also discovered that it is not very moveable - once you curl up with it, it'll be there until morning. I tried to shove it to a different position, but it doesn't slide very easily between the sheets. In the end, it was easier for me to move around it, rather than the other way around.
I don't think S will enjoy it very much, but I have something to keep me warm when he's not around now. Thanks again to my sister-in-law for the gift!