Recycling a card I made a few years ago - forgive me if you've seen it before. It has been a long, busy year. To top it off, I caught the flu this week, which put a damper on my festive energies.
We're not spending the holidays with family this year. Neither of us could take any time off work, which made it hard for us to travel, and our families weren't able to come visit. The downside is that I miss everybody. The upside is that there is no pressure to clean the flat or take showers...
It's nice to have a four-day weekend - since Christmas Day and Boxing Day fall on the weekend, we get two Bank Holidays on Monday and Tuesday. My plan to sleep, watch DVDs and avoid wearing makeup is in full force. Just wish I could kick this cough!
Hope Santa has treated you well. Stay warm and give yourself a hug from me.
xo, b