Monday, 12 March 2012

three months

2-3 months

Junior is 13 weeks / 3 months old today! The last month has mainly been filled with social activities and developments. We have been going to an informal mummy/baby playgroup on Mondays; Tuesday story time at the Wimbledon Library; yoga on Thursdays; and filling our Wednesdays and Fridays with lunches, walks, and doctor appointments. We also celebrated Valentine's Day and my birthday in February.

Monday Munchkins

Junior was brave for his first set of shots. He cried at the point of impact, then recovered quickly and charmed all the ladies in the reception area with his smile.

Post-immunization nap

He also got his first UK passport.

First passport

He is becoming more vocal and generally keeps in good spirits.

He is beginning to grasp objects and explore the world of Putting Things In His Mouth. So far his favorite blanket is the burp cloth...

Clutching binky & burp cloth

Our days are getting into more of a routine. He sleeps well at night, usually only getting up once to feed around 3 AM (except for his 'wonder week' at 11 weeks when he reverted to getting up every two hours and refusing to go back to sleep in his cot.) He is still taking formula to supplement the breastmilk and he has started outgrowing his newborn clothes and nappies. While he is still under the average weight for his age, he is growing fast - he's tall and slender, like his dad.

For me personally, the past few months have flown by. I have been away from work for four months already - one third of my maternity leave! I am fortunate that I live in a country where I don't have to go back to work at this point; Junior is just getting to the fun, interactive stage and I'm enjoying spending my days with him. Who could resist this smile?!

Sunday smile

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