21 Weeks: Inside/Outside
Highlights of Junior's past month include:
- Continued teething (although no teeth have emerged yet)
- Holding his bottle and feeding himself
- Rolling over (back to front)
- Swimming, including going under water
- New noises and laughing
- Graduating from swaddles to a sleep sack

Photo by Dad

Sleep sack made by Grandmamasita

Trying on glasses
He is getting more social and curious about his environment. He is more interested in the other babies at playgroup, and likes admiring his reflection in mirrors. He is also becoming more comfortable with the webcam. He loves hearing people sing and I am considering music classes for him when he is a bit bigger.
Junior is also showing more interest in food and drinks - he reaches for our mugs and is ready to start gumming food. It's almost time to start him on solids and we have no reason to doubt that he will enjoy eating something other than breastmilk and formula.
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