Grandmamasita made the bumper and sleepsack; S and I chose the robot and circuit board fabric online. I love it, and Junior seems pleased with the design as well.

The changing table matches the cotbed. It wasn't my first choice to have open shelves that could be reached by little hands, but the cabinet-style changing tables cost more than the bed. Instead, I bought zippered storage bags to try to keep things as safe and inaccessible as possible. So far it hasn't been a problem (see: Junior doesn't play in his room yet.)

I took the same approach with his shelves. I put his clothes, muslin cloths, nappies, etc, in storage boxes that can be used for other things as he grows.
The only other features are decorative, at this point.

Mobile with aliens and spaceships from his Aunt S

Star-shaped nightlight

I knitted this bear years ago (before I met S) when I made a baby blanket for a friend. I didn't have the heart to give it away, even though I wasn't sure I would ever have a child of my own at the time. Bear has patiently waited for Junior to arrive, and I think they both know that the other one is special.
And just in case there is any confusion over whose room it is, Junior has staked his claim:

Move over, Dad!
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