Sunday, 18 January 2009

Pic of the Week

I like having a calendar on my desk at work. This year, I used photobox to make a deluxe desk calendar (week view). I was not entirely happy with the uploading process, but the customer service rep was very helpful and I am confident that it will not be such a headache next time. In any event, the finished product redeemed photobox completely: the calendar is beautiful (if I do say so myself.) The pages are printed on high quality paper, the prints came out better than I expected, and I am sure I will keep it long after 2009.

I used a selection of my digital photos going back to 2003 - more or less the beginning of my iPhoto library. Some of them had never been printed before, and I was curious to see how they would look. Some of them are simply favorites. The main theme is travel but I added some other categories as well.

I only printed three copies: one for mamasita and pop, one for lilsis, and one for me. I have been enjoying changing the page every week, and decided to share the images with the rest of you on my blog. I am used to having my calendar weeks start on a Sunday, but in British fashion, this calendar goes Monday-Sunday rather than Sunday-Saturday. So I will post the pic of the week every Monday, starting tomorrow.

In order to catch you up on the past few weeks, here are the photos you have missed. I started a dedicated flickr page (visible to anyone) so that you can click on the images and see larger sizes. Some of them will be quite small on my blog.


Kew Gardens, Sep 2004

I went to Kew Gardens shortly after I moved to London for my Master's at SOAS. I had visited the gardens on my first trip to London in summer of 1998, and loved the lush and beautiful flowers. In between, I read Orchid Fever, which paints a very unflattering picture of what happens behind the scenes at Kew - fascinating, if a bit disturbing. Even still, the flowers are amazing.

Week of 29 Dec 2008 - 4 Jan 2009
Week of 29 Dec 2008 - 4 Jan 2009
Venice, Jan 2004

I spent New Year's in Venice with J during my month long trip around Europe in Dec 2003 - Jan 2004. We had a lovely time, although we both caught damp-induced colds.

Week of 5-11 Jan
Week of 5-11 Jan
Utrecht, Dec 2003

Part of my month long Europe trip around Holland, Belgium, Switzerland and Italy. I fell in love with Utrecht. It is a charming town, with a lively university and few tourists.

Week of 12-18 Jan
Week of 12-18 Jan
Paris, June 2006

S and I stayed at a friend's flat in Paris. Although he had been to the south of France, he had never been to Paris. We walked all over in two days and had a great time.

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