Monday, 28 December 2009

bedside table


In the spirit of saving the best (or at least, the biggest) for last, S gave me two more xmas presents last night when we got home from Ossett: a bento box and an iPhone dock/clock radio.

I must be a woman of simple tastes* because I lurve it. I can't believe it took me this long to discover the Absolute 80s radio station! I've got 3 new books to read: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters, and Mr Darcy, Vampyre, as well as finishing S's copy of The God Delusion. You can also see my collection of iPods (video iPod and iPod shuffle), paperweights, and two of my favorite pictures of S long before I met him.

*stop laughing!

I could easily stay in bed forever with all this to entertain and sustain me.

By the way, if you have noticed how many blogs I have posted recently, there's a reason... I want to post 100 blog entries in 2009 - one more to go!

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