Thursday, 31 December 2009

2009 round-up

Here it is: my last post of 2009 and it's #100, to boot!

2009 has largely been the Year of Work for me. At the beginning of the year, I was brushing off my CV and had started looking for new places to work. In March, a visitor sent by our parent company helped steer me into a new career path, which ultimately led to two promotions and a very busy year. At one point in June I worked so many extra hours that I got an entire week's holiday as compensation. (Not that I have used it - I had to cancel my holiday this week so I'm carrying over 5 days into 2010 and I'm determined to use them.)

Needless to say, my social life has suffered a bit and I'm afraid I have not been a very good friend, at least in real life. Online, my Bryn Mawr chums sucked me into the Facebook vortex, where I happily reconnected with friends from JET, SOAS, CPS, various previous jobs, even Berkeley High. Armed with an iPhone, I can tweet and update my FB status on the go...


Despite my heavy work schedule, I still managed to use 2 passports on 3 continents.

Stockholm in April

California in May/June

Southern Spain in September

Tokyo in October

Vienna in November


2009 was also a Year for Family. In addition to visiting my parents and sister, I also reconnected with most of my cousins.

5 girls
photo from my aunt, circa 1986

at my sister's wedding in 2005

Sadly, my grandfather passed away in June, but his spirit lives on.


Finally, in the blog world, 2009 was a Year for Photos. I have enjoyed sharing my Pics of the Week with you. Here is one final Pic of the Week from our Jordan trip that made it into the desk calendar, but somehow didn't get a mention on the blog.


So with a laugh and a smile, I wish you all the best in 2010! Happy New Year!

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