Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Juniorette's 1st month


Juniorette was one month old on 6 May. The first few weeks are always a blur, and this was no different. We had all the usual newborn developments: feeding, sleeping, changing nappies, repeat. But also did our best to maintain a routine for Junior. It helped that my parents were here to entertain him and feed us.

Junior and Juniorette, each at 4 days old

Junior has been wonderful with Juniorette, and I am enjoying my time with both of them.


While Junior was a Christmas baby, Juniorette was born just before Easter. This year, we joined friends for an Easter Egg Hunt at nearby Morden Hall Park. Junior ran around the course twice as fast as the rest of the group, and earned the Cadbury's chocolate egg waiting for him at the end. Juniorette spent the morning sleeping in the shade under the watchful eye of her grandpa.

Not quite understanding how to play Pooh sticks yet

Holding hands

Meanwhile, I did my best to establish a breastfeeding routine with Juniorette. She is either a very lazy eater, or incredibly efficient: generally 10 minutes on a side, compared to Junior's hour-long marathons.


I also started taking her out in the Ergobaby carrier at the tender age of 18 days. Such a lightweight!


She enjoyed her first bath, and seems to be a water baby. I need to find a way to take her swimming...


One advantage of having a boy first, then a girl, is that the younger daughter can wear her older brother's hand-me-downs. Until she is able to state a preference, I am indulging in dressing her in both girly and not-so-girly clothes.


We also spent a day at the Olympic Village in Stratford. Junior had a great time riding his scooter - kudos to S for chasing after him! I imagine we'll spend more time there when the kids are bigger.

Juniorette in the buggy


More adventures ahead, no doubt...

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