s and i finally went to IKEA last week, and i have unearthed my possessions. i went from 13 boxes to one 2 x 4 expedit shelf on top of a 4 x 4, just barely avoiding the ceiling. notice that many items simply went from living inside cardboard boxes to being neatly packed into wicker ones.

because, you know, it's good to put boxes inside of other boxes.
incidentally, the pile of clothes next to the shelves is a good example of the australian word, "floordrobe."
You really know you're doing well (and that you are definitely female) when you start putting your boxes inside of boxes and yet again inside of more boxes. And by the way, it's inherited.....Lovely job. but whose floordrobe is it anyway? or do I know without asking.....
Love, Mamasita (and your Grandmother Elaine)
That looks really cute :)
hooray for personal space! Looks really nice -- especially the Floodrobe! ;)
Late comment, I know -- I've considered doing the 2x4 Expedit on top of the 4x4, but I'm worried of the top unit slipping. Have you had problems with that? Is it sturdy in that combination?
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