I decided that it would be better to ride in the van. The day before, Su had wrenched her back and wasn't feeling 100% either. The cycle group left at 9 AM; we had a few extra hours in Děčin. I got my room key back and went back to sleep... So nice...
We left the hotel at 11 AM. The border crossing into Germany was almost imperceptible. However, things were just a little bit more colorful and cheerful on the German side. We stopped in Königstein.

Despite my dodgy tummy, it was just too hard to resist a piece of cheesecake - it's mild, right?

I managed about half of it and saved the rest for S.

View from the van window
We reached Pirna and found the hotel around 2 PM. 44km goes a lot faster when you're not on a bike! The rooms weren't ready, so I walked around Pirna. It was so charming!

It was also dangerous to leave me in a town with such nice shops - and all the euros! I was good, though, and only bought a few things from the Ernst Schmole coffee shop.

I also liked some of the signs in Pirna.

Restaurant named something to the effect of "Monk with a Pig on a Leash"

Clothes shop
But perhaps my favorite place in Pirna was our hotel room.

No, it's not my style, but it was comfortable, had a lovely breeze coming in from the windows, and I melted onto the bed for a nap. I left the door unlocked for S - but was awakened by some confused pensioners who didn't notice that it was a private room. (What were they looking for?)
S and I abandoned the group for dinner, and sat outside in the plaza.

The minute we got there, however, I had another wave and couldn't eat a bite. S reportedly enjoyed his meal. I barely managed to drag myself back to the hotel, and fell fast asleep before 9 PM.
Day 5 Stats:
Km cycled: 0
Food: a bite of bread, a bit of yogurt, 1/2 slice of cheesecake, 1 soft vanilla ice cream cone, 2 bites cauliflower (notice a white theme?)
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