As I write this, you have not joined our happy family yet.
I do not know if you are a boy or a girl.
I do not know your name.
I do not know if you have red hair with blue eyes
brown hair with green eyes.
But I do know that you, like your Mom and Dad, will be a
loyal Giants fan.
Heartfelt congratulations to my sister and brother-in-law on the arrival of their son last Tuesday. They successfully kept the gender a secret, which made it slightly difficult to plan a knitting project in advance. One thing was certain, though: this kid would have baseball and ice hockey in its DNA.
I wanted to make a plush toy for them, and found this seal pattern on etsy. I had some orange yarn (which my sister had actually sent over xmas to encourage me to crochet a goldfish...) which seemed fitting for the Giants' mascot, Lou Seal.

I think it came out quite well, especially for a first attempt (I loathe frogging...)
Next, I used Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran to knit the Classic Cashmere Sweater from Erika Knight's Simple Knits for Cherished Babies, my go-to pattern for baby sweaters. Stockinette gets boring fast, though, so I designed a 'SF' logo for the front:

The finishing touch was a pair of Garter Stitch Booties from the same book.

The photos don't do the yarn - or dare I say, the creations? - justice, but the real star is my nephew. I've seen him on iChat but I can't wait to meet the little man in July.
Big kiss to everyone in California! xo
By the way, we love the secret knitting project!
I like it too and can't wait to be big enough to play with Lou and to wear the sweater and booties. Thank you, Aunt B!
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