Wednesday, 10 May 2006

the goodness of my heart

i did a 10km walk today for the british heart foundation. we walked around the grassy moat of the tower of london, 1 km x 10 laps.



most of the participants, including my friend e, were being sponsored by their companies. e told me earlier this week that she didn't feel prepared enough to jog it, so i volunteered to walk with her. ha ha... she jogged past me in the first lap!



for your amusement, i offer the following:

laps completed: 10

time to complete: just over 1.5 hours

music on ipod: madonna

bottles of water: 2

weather: gorgeous, sunny day (23ºC / 73ºF)

best costume (but certainly hot!): tweety bird

least obvious thing to bring to a jog/walk: not just 1 but 2 cockatoos (sitting on the shoulders of one of the participants)

outfit attracting the most looks and double-looks:


(no, that's not his bare arse. it's a pair of shorts with a rubber bum sewn on.)

all in all, it was a nice afternoon and i felt good - doing something right for my heart and hearts everywhere.


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