mamasita and pop

the D family, jetlagged but happy

pop and b in battery park on a gorgeous spring day

riding the subway

action shot of s and his sister in times square

my sister and her husband flew overnight, arrived around 6 AM, and were still bright and perky for the wedding

my best friend and her fiance were on the same overnight flight, stopped at his parents' house in long island to freshen up, and got to the city clerk's office before we did! what superstars!

we are collecting photos of the three of us at each of our weddings. we have the one from my sister's wedding last september. here is the one from my wedding. my best friend's wedding is later this month.

everyone held the bouquet that mamasita hand-picked to go with my dress

a and b

she'll always be taller than me, but i'll always be older... ahem!

dad and pop, who coincidentally share the same first name, got along famously

sharing chocolate cake. not tiramisu. but we're not bitter!

the proud parents: pop, mamasita, mum and dad

i'm a D now!

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