Monday, 16 February 2009

Pic of the Week: 16-22 Feb

Brandreth Road, Balham
Brandreth Road, Balham

This week starts with Bran- and ends with -dreth, so I felt that this was the perfect pic for the week. That is to say, my birthday is on the 16th and my sister's birthday is on the 22nd. We're 5 years and 6 days apart.

S took this picture of us during my sister's trip to London over xmas 2005 when I was living in Balham. Brandreth Road was between the Tube station and my flat, so I passed it everyday.

Why is the name Brandreth so significant? I don't usually post names on my blog, but the visual pun works better if you know that my name is Branwyn and my sister's is Allyndreth. Ta da!

Happy birthday, Big Al!


aedredhead said... post.ever! and a happy birthday to you too. i just love that the brits start the week on a monday so that this picture works perfectly for this week! i hope this has been a good day for you. i'm a little dismayed over here in ca. we can almost always count on great birthday weather, but here it's cold and rainy today. yuck :( well, have a happy one, and keep an eye on the mailbox!

brandarling said...

Yay! Did you notice that I set this entry to post at exactly 2:16 PM on 2/16? S thought it was confusing - I should have posted at 16:02 on 16/02 instead. I still have blogger set to US date/time conventions, though, so that would have come up as 4:02 PM. Far less meaningful :)

Anonymous said...

It's VERY meaningful for ME. Branwyn starts the week on February 16 at 12:07 AM and Allyndreth ends it at 9:28 PM (although her birth certificate says 9:29 PM.) In the middle, albeit 5 years apart, I was VERY pregnant. I am so happy that I was able to give birth to two such wonderful people. By the way: Branwyn arrived during a full moon, with Aquarius on the wane.
Love to you BOTH,

Anonymous said...

OK, so I am a typo maniac. Bran was born at 12:37 AM.